Paleo Lifestyle Modification–Blackout Shades

2014-10-28 16.47.15

Cave prep: a few minutes with a hammer and drill

The Paleo Approach for autoimmune healing promotes ample sleep and honoring circadian rhythms with real darkness as opposed to pseudo darkness that includes illuminated gadgetry and ambient light from outdoors. With that in mind I recently installed some custom-fit blackout roller shades to position behind our lightweight curtains.

Ooh la la. I am liking the total blackout effect at night–I can not see my hand in front of my face. I never was a fan of having dials and devices visible after lights out in my bedroom. While it is a little too early to say for sure, in the few nights since I installed the shades, sleep has seemed extended and more restful.

[Some say that wearing an eyemask is not enough–that the skin has receptors too that are affected by light. Even the blue glow of a bedside clock can suppress melatonin production.]

2014-11-01 07.16.21

Bedroom at daybreak this morning with the blackout shades in position.